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    Handbook of Liver Disease 2012


    Handbook of Liver Disease 2012 Empty Handbook of Liver Disease 2012

    Message par Invité Mar 10 Avr 2012, 09:52

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

    The Handbook of Liver Disease, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Lawrence S. Friedman and Emmet B. Keeffe, gives you quick reference to the most recent diagnostic and treatment options for patients with liver disorders. International authorities share the latest clinical findings and procedures to help you expertly manage illnesses like hepatitis B and C and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as apply new practices like genetic testing, noninvasive imaging techniques, and so much more. Quickly access updated information on all aspects of liver disease including new drugs, therapy trials, and post-transplant conditions with this full-color, templated edition-in print and online at [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

    Expedite diagnostic and therapeutic decision making with a highly templated outline format that uses full-color illustrations, tables, algorithms and figures, key point boxes, and alert symbols to present information at a glance.
    Apply some of the latest treatments for liver disease including the role of pretreatment IL28B testing for patients with hepatitis B and C; radiofrequency ablation and sorafenib in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma; the use of the drug rifaximin to treat hepatic encephalopathy; and much more.
    Make optimal use of genetic testing to assess your patients' risk of metabolic liver disease and to personalize treatment regimens for chronic hepatitis C.
    Offer your liver transplantation patients the best prognosis and follow-up with the latest information on outcomes and the management of complications.
    Use blood test panels and noninvasive imaging techniques to evaluate the degree of liver fibrosis.
    Make informed treatment decisions with the latest clinical trial results for portal hypertension, autoimmune liver diseases, acute liver failure, and hepatic infections.
    Search the complete text online, download all the images, and test your knowledge with 200 board-style review questions at [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
    Quick access and easy-to-find answers for any practitioner who encounters patients with liver disease.

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    Membre hyper-actif
    Membre hyper-actif

    Masculin Messages : 684
    Date d'inscription : 06/09/2010
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Maroc
    Emploi : MEDECIN

    Handbook of Liver Disease 2012 Empty Re: Handbook of Liver Disease 2012

    Message par ELKHALFI MOHAMMED Mar 10 Avr 2012, 19:08

    Think you Vraione

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