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Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology Fumed10

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    Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology

    lion neptune
    Membre fidèle
    Membre fidèle

    Masculin Messages : 52
    Date d'inscription : 01/12/2011
    Age : 56
    Localisation : nulle part
    Emploi : RAS

    Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology Empty Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology

    Message par lion neptune Dim 10 Juin 2012, 17:24

    [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

    Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology By Gregg Lueder
    English | 2011 | 313 Pages | ISBN: 0071633804 | PDF | 21 MB
    Hands-on, full-color guidance for treating ophthalmic diseases in children
    600 full-color clinical images and illustrations
    Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Ophthalmology
    is filled with practical, clinically relevant guidance on the
    successful diagnosis and management of children with ophthalmic symptoms
    and diseases. The care of the patient forms the core of this book,
    which also provides perspectives on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and
    diagnosis that every pediatrician, pediatric resident, and nurse should
    be familiar with. Over 600 full-color clinical images and illustrations
    highlight the techniques, diseases, and disorders discussed throughout
    the book.

    The book is logically divided into three parts: the first section
    describes the examination techniques, instruments, and ancillary tests
    used for evaluation of pediatric eye disorders. The second section on
    symptoms provides a straightforward how-to approach based on specific
    clinical presentations allowing pediatricians to quickly evaluate and
    accurately diagnose a patient in the office. The third section on
    diseases follows the style of traditional medical textbooks, offering
    greater detail on treatment of disease while maintaining the book’s
    easy-to-absorb presentation.

    To start download click HERE:

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      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 27 Mai 2024, 14:32